Up in the Tree Tops

Ken and Jonathan in the Tree Fort
After a summer of working (on and off as Ken has had lots of other things to keep him busy too!) the Tree house is basically done! There are a few things that we would still like to add to it like a zip line for a quick getaway from the porch area, a trap door up on the top story and a dumb waiter to haul stuff up to the top but the basic structure is done!!

Here is how you go up: A rope ladder goes to the porch level. (With stabilizing boards behind so that it doesn't swing wildly and make it almost impossible to climb.)

Than up a regular ladder to the inside. (For some reason this picture turned on me and I am to lazy to fix it. )
Once up their you have quite a view. If you look straight down Megan looks this (above) tiny!
Out the front window we have a bird's eye view of our yard. Here comes Granddad across the lawn.
What fun to have a tree fort. We have ideas for furnishings now and hopefully the kids will have a lot of fun playing in it year round! :-) The kids also offered it for Granddad and Nana to live in should they move this way. I'm not sure if they are going to accept the offer or not. :-)