Peanut Butter Jumbos

Charlotte's school had their fall consignment sale recently. I volunteered to bake something for their bake sale. I found this recipe in my whole grains cookbook and thought it looked like a winner. I doubled the recipe since I wanted to have some cookies to keep for us but there was no need to double... this recipe makes a ton of cookies. I ended up sending 18 gigantic cookies to the bake sale, 35 regular sized cookies to school with Jon for the Jazz band, and still had about a dozen cookies to keep here.

It's always a good sign when a recipe calls for this much butter and peanut butter. (the butter is hiding under the peanut butter)

Mmmm.... sugar, peanut butter, butter...

The double batch was so big that I had to enlist my husband to help me mix it in the top to our cake holder! I didn't have a bowl big enough to hold the dough and have room to stir.

Doesn't the cookie dough look yummy? Gotta love a cookie that includes chocolate chips and M&M's!

Charlotte helped flatten the big cookie dough balls for her gigantic bake sale cookies. She looks bored doesn't she?

I love how M&M's crack when they're baked. Is that weird?

This is one of the "Jumbos" that will be sent to the bake sale. It's bigger then my palm!

Here are the cookies wrapped and ready to go to the bake sale. I called them Peanut Butter Oatmeal chippers in case anyone had allergies to peanut butter or problems with oatmeal.

Peanut Butter Jumbos

*from the Best-Loved Whole Grain Recipes cook book*

1 1/2 cups peanut butter

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened

3 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

4 1/2 cups uncooked old-fashioned oats

2 tsp. baking soda

1 cup chocolate chips

1 cup M&M's

1. Preheat oven to 350*. Lightly grease cookie sheets or line with parchment paper.

2. Beat peanut butter, sugars, butter, eggs, and vanilla in a large bowl until well blended. Stir in remaining ingredients until mixed well. Drop dough by the 1/3 cup full for huge cookies. Make balls the size of golf balls for regular sized cookies. Flatten each cookie ball slightly.

3. Bake 15-20 minutes or until firm in the center (or edges start to brown). Remove to wire racks to cool (after they sit on the pan for a minute or so).