God's Wonderful Gifts

Psalm 100:4 & 5
"Be thankful and praise the Lord as you enter his temple.
The Lord is Good!
His love and faithfulness will last forever."
Oh so very, very much to be thankful for!!
I thank and praise God for:
31. Healing for Aaron and Megan who ended up pretty sick this last week.
32. Yummy smelling and healthy essential oils.
33. Nourishing and tasty chicken soup with veggies, barley and lots of garlic!
34. Eating by candlelight.
35. Spur of the moment trips to see family.
36. Vehicles that work well.
37. Siblings. I love each one of them so much and feel so blessed by God to have such wonderful ones.
38. Nieces and Nephews. (who are cousins for my kids!)
39. My friend Christy who is also my cousin-in-law and her family too! (Special thanks to God that she found a husband here in MN, so we can see her often.)
40. Tickets bought so we can go to North Carolina to see my sister Martha and her family. I am so excited. God certainly abundantly blessed.
41. The promise of seeing Ken's sister Luann and her husband too!
42. Snow!!!
43. Getting to see how excited little ones can be about a new snow.
44. A brother in Christ coming to church again after not coming for over a year.
45. A washer and dryer.
46. Lots of Laundry - sometimes overwhelming but proving that God provides for us ever so abundantly!
47. A comfortable bed.
48. Warm showers.
49. Interesting and educational books.
50. Obedient children.
51. Phone calls from friends and family.
holy experience