Action Packed Saturday

This past weekend was packed full of fun things to do and people to visit with. This was our Saturday....

Jon and I made a big breakfast for Jon's parents, sister, and my dad who were in from out of town for Charlotte's birthday. I was in charge of pancakes and sausage... Jon made the eggs.

Then we had Charlotte's birthday party. Cake, ice cream, and presents all before 10am. What a way to start the day!

Jon's mom and sister helped Charlotte and Evan learn to play one of her new games.

My dad made me a cold frame for my birthday (at the end of this month)! Thanks Dad! I can't wait to use it. It has a hinge inside that allows it to stay open by itself without having to prop it up. I'll really be able to extend the garden with this and get an early start come spring!

Then we took Charlotte to her gymnastics class. I think she liked having such a big audience.

Later that afternoon we went to see Jon's Marching Band compete.

The kids did really well in the stands for the almost 3 hours we were there.

Click on the video to hear a bit of Jon's Band. The Glenn High School Bobcats. Can you guess the theme of their show?

As the band was finishing their show, Jon grabbed Evan and took him along to hang out with the band.

The band did a great job and got second place overall in their class. Go Bobcats.

Sunday morning was a different story... Evan woke up with a 103* fever. This is where he stayed for most of the day. He's back to running, jumping, and playing now though :)

Tomorrow I'll tell you where I got to go on Sunday afternoon! I'll give you a hint... it involves "Baaaaaaaa"