CRASH!! *Updated*

That's the sound my camera made as it fell from my fingers and landed on my kitchen floor.....
Well, maybe it wasn't CRASH as much as "thump". I was trying to do too many things at once... entertain children, make their lunch, whip up a batch of brownies for Jon's band (story later), and take pictures for the blog at the same time. Multi-task much?
I forgot to put the wrist strap on as I usually do and the camera fell while I was trying to snap a picture of melted butter. The lens won't retract since it's bent and the camera won't turn on for more then a split second.
It's just a simple "point & shoot".. nothing fancy... but it may as well have been my left arm falling off. I feel lost without it and it's only been dead for 30 minutes. I take pictures of everything. I have so many pictures on our computer that we had to get an external hard drive just to have enough space for them.
I'm not sure what I'll do about a camera right now. I'm sure we'll figure out something until then I'll just sigh heavily and look dejected.
Good thing I don't have a camera to take a picture of myself right now, right??

**Update: My mom is amazing. She's decided to buy me my birthday/Christmas present early and get me a gently used camera from ebay! I'm so lucky to have a mom that is so supportive of me. She knows how much photography means to me. The camera should be here in a few days!! THANK YOU MOM!!!!**