Happy Birthday, Charlotte!

Five years ago today I kissed you for the first time. You were 9 lbs. 7oz. The nurses called you "Tank" and said you cried like a toddler.
Your Dada would fall asleep each time he held you. He gave you the nickname "Newbers". He liked to make up new lyrics to classic children's songs. Glad you were too young to remember those words.

Then you turned one and were happy to be anywhere with us.

Then you turned two and you were always dancing and singing.

Then you turned three and you wanted to help us do everything.... even rake leaves.

Then you turned four started preschool. You started to come out of your shy shell and the world opened up to you.

And today you are five. I can't wait to see what this year in your life brings.

Charlotte had her birthday party on Saturday. I made her a trampoline cake.
She asked for a real trampoline for her birthday but I told her they were too dangerous and too expensive but I could make her a trampoline to eat. Luckily she was very happy with her edible tramp. (can you tell the icing in the center was too loose and oozed out? Oops!)