Farm Fest At Rising Meadow Farm

This past Sunday we went to Farm Fest at Rising Meadow Farm. Jon stayed home with Evan since he had a fever.
We laid a blanket out on a small hill and waited for the sheep dog demonstration to begin.

Charlotte and her Aunt Suzanne (Jon's sister)

Grammy and Grandpa (Jon's parents) I love this picture of them :)

Several border collies took turns demonstrating how to work a small flock of sheep. These are ewe lambs. One lamb figured out that if she flopped herself on the ground and played dead she got to take a break for a few minutes while the dog brought the rest of the lambs back to where she was. It was hilarious.

Then it was time to get some lunch. We waited in a long line to find out when we reached the front that they were already out of hot dogs. The only other options were lamb which I would have loved to try but it was $7 for a plate verses $2 for a hotdog. So.....

Charlotte had ice cream for lunch from Homeland Creamery

They're a local dairy that makes really great ice cream. She wasn't complaining :)

I had a slice of the most delicious coconut cake that I've ever tasted! The cake was moist and the icing was so light and just sweet enough without being too sweet. I've emailed the farm to see if they can find the recipe for me. I'll share it with you if I'm able to get it.

We listened to a local band while we ate our dessert lunches. I should have taken a picture of them while they were playing. They were pretty good but I missed the amazing Celtic band they had last year.

Next Charlotte led the way to the vendors. There was fiber as far as the eye can see. Next time I go to a fiber festival, I'll take two laps around... one to window shop and the second to buy after I see what everyone has. A great tip I read on my Aunt's blog. It was hard to go through all the wonderful things for sale with a 5 year old that wanted to get to the next booth quickly so she could hurry and get to the Llamas.

There were so many spinners and they were very happy to answer questions.

This woman is spinning angora rabbit fur straight off the rabbit! How cool! She said this was the rabbits first time having this done but she seemed perfectly content sitting on her lap.

This woman was weaving a beautiful scarf. She had Charlotte come close and really showed her how everything worked. I loved having Charlotte there to see these wonderful art forms up close.

After smelling every goat's milk soap in every booth, Charlotte was ready to pet some sheep.

And finally she was able to see the "Llamas". They're actually Alpacas but Charlotte wanted to call them Llamas.

Here's what I ended up buying (minus one thing that I couldn't take a picture of since it's going to be a present)

There were 2 sweet girls (maybe 7 & 9 years old) that had a booth next to their mom's booth and they were selling stitch markers that they had made. They were so excited when I bought these. They even threw in an extra one free! I loved the colors.

I let Charlotte pick out a stitch marker for me at another booth. I loved her choice.

I got 2 skeins of Jacob wool. I really wanted to buy some yarn but everything was so expensive. This was $10 a skein so I grabbed 2. Looking back, I should have spent the money on something else since this yarn is very coarse. It's a denim color with bits of other colors mixed in. I love the color but not the very harsh feel of the wool.

It's a bit thicker then worsted weight but not quite a chunky weight. I think I'll use it to make a felted tote bag.

We had a great time and I am already looking forward to going again next year!