He's Growing Up

This weekend I saw my little boy as both a baby and a big boy... I went into his room to wake him up from a nap and he didn't budge as I opened the door. I ran to grab my camera before he woke up.
He just started to open his eyes as I got to his crib. He looks so sweet when he sleeps. He also looks like my baby in this picture.
Then 2 days later....

He wants to sit on the big potty! He's shown no interest in potty training yet... which is perfectly fine with me (he's only 28 mths). But this weekend he was successful on the potty twice!!

I'm not rushing out to buy tons of little boy undies just yet though. I have a feeling it'll still be a while before he's really ready.
I look at the last two pictures and see my baby growing up. Most of me is thrilled! I picture going on trips without packing everything in the whole world. I dream of eating at restaurants without the sticky high chair. I dream of Evan being able to join his sister outside to play without me being out there with him..... .. but there's just a tiny bit of me that'll miss that baby in cloth diapers... oh wait... he's hated diaper changes from the moment he was born. Okay, I'm ready for my big boy! :)