Give Thanks to the Lord

"Therefore I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord,
among the nations,
And I will sing praises to Thy name."
2 Samuel 22:50 (David's words)
Like David I will give Thanks.....
73. For living close to my parents so I can have fun spending time with them working on projects. (I am excited to share about the project we were working on in this picture. Can you guess?)
74. For a sewing machine.
75. For fun times creating birthday presents with my kids.

76. For a sweet, newly 6 year old boy!

77. For smiles!!

78. For Carrots.

79. For the fun we could have harvesting them.
80. For a son that is eagerly reading God's word. His question of "Mom can you please help me find some of these verses?" I don't think there is to much more that could please this Mother's heart than to see her children wanting to know more about the great Creator of the Universe.
81. For another son that doesn't want to be left out with something as exciting as looking up verses. "You find the book Mama, I'll find the chapter and verse."
82. For teachers for my kids at church that are helping them to learn and want to know more.
83. For fun times making pretty envelopes with my girls.
84. For clothes to dress up in.
85. For imaginations!
86. For Rain.
87. For Sunshine.

holy experience