Gifts From The Farm

When my sister and her husband came to visit 2 weeks ago, they brought gifts from their amazingly productive 1 acre farm.

She brought me a dozen eggs from her chickens. I love how different the eggs are. See that tiny one on the top left?

Isn't it cute?

I used two of the biggest ones when making Charlotte's birthday cake and look what I found in both of them.... double yolks!! Since the yolks were small, I used the eggs as if they didn't have double yolks.

She also brought me an assortment of beautiful gourds from her garden. Everything except the tiny butternut squash is from her garden. I love the Turk's Turban.

They're all sitting in a beautiful bowl that Jon's cousin made in Vermont. I think the gourds make the perfect centerpiece for our dining room table. If only I could find it right now under all the pants waiting to be hemmed, VHS tapes waiting to get put away, and the knitting projects waiting to be finished. That's what dining room tables are for right?

Thanks Katie!!