Homemade hot fudge sauce for ice cream

The other day I made hot chocolate sauce for ice cream and thought... I need to share this on Frugal Friday.

It tastes so good and it is much cheaper than buying any chocolate sauce from the store. (Even the cheap chocolate sauces and this tastes way better!) I won't claim that it is good for you, IT ISN'T! but it probably is healthier than the store bought stuff as well.

Here is the recipe:
~3/4 cup sugar
~4 Tablespoons cocoa powder
~1/2 cup butter
~ 1/2 cup milk
put above ingredients into a pan and cook over medium heat. Bring to a boil, and boil for 2 minutes while stirring.
Then add: ~3/4 cup peanut butter
Stir it in and then your sauce is ready to use! Store leftover sauce in the fridge.

Oh that is making me a little hungry for something sweet..... :-)