Abundantly Blessed

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
to which indeed you were called in one body;
and be thankful."
Colossians 3:15

God blesses us over, and over, and over again. It is impossible to tell Him thank you enough but I must say thanks anyway!

Thank you God for........

53. Adventures! (so much fun exploring field and woods with family and friends. I'll share more on Wednesday)
54. My music loving brother and the silly little songs he sings about Megan.
55.Card making....
56. ...with friends.
57. Wildlife to be seen here and there and everywhere. (We saw 7 deer - the whole family(s) in the church building yard.)
58. A husband who enjoys playing games with his family.
59. Getting to spend extra time with Ken this week as he has been home sick some. I am sorry he is sick but thankful for the extra time.
60. Hugs. Even when they are tight squeezes around the neck that nearly choke me! :-)

61. Fresh fruit. Oh we have been enjoying the pears and apples lately!
62. Completed baskets!
63. Relaxing and fun times with the kids.

64. A nice library.
65. Knowing how to read.
66. Books
67. Eyes that work well!
68. God's word.
69. Bible Baseball and fun times with that.
70. Hand me down clothes from my little sister.
71. Fun plans for the week ahead.
72. Jesus being willing to take my sins and nailing them to the cross.

What are you thankful for?

holy experience