More Alphabet Adventures

Well we have a bit of a gap in what got photographed for our Alphabet adventures. We did do special stuff every day but the days around Christmas and New Years were so busy that I didn't get many pictures. On Q day we ate Quesadillas, on R day we ate Roast and on S day we had spaghetti.

Around that time the kids also had fun going skiing. (I am thinking it may have been R day instead of S day but I thought this picture of Aaron was rather fun so I wanted to share it.)

 This week I took a few more pictures: (though none on T day when we had Tacos)

On U day we enjoyed a very yummy (and gluten free) Upside down cake. It was a new (imporvised) recipe that had Bananas and Pecans. I will share it later with my Gluten free post.

Aaron (in his vest) had fun making a playdough V, violin and veterinarian for V day.

Waffles with Whipped Cream (and strawberries) made a very yummy breakfast for W day. One of the things I do really love about getting raw cows milk is getting to have lots of cream to do stuff with each week.

Aaron had fun playing the Xylophone along with our morning singing on X day.

We are almost done with the alphabet. I think it has been helpful for Aaron and Megan. The alphabet song is Megan's current favorite and she sings it over and over. It isn't perfect yet but it is getting closer. Aaron is figuring out what letters and in different words because of the sounds and over all we have had fun!