1000 gifts

 "Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, That is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name." Hebrews 13:5
Oh how fun it is to look back on a year and see how God has blessed, over and over and over again. He is worthy of all my praise and gratitude!

So continuing my count to 1,000 gifts....

196. Fun in the snow with friends.
197. Company coming to stay with us!
198. Fellowship with other Christians.

199. Fun times playing games on New Year's Eve.
200. Lots of laughter!
201. A lovely new Church building to use for parties and such.

202. My sweet Megan who arranges flowers "just like Mom".
203. A fun and loving husband!
204. Ken's hard work to provide for us.

205. Living in a place where we can thouroughly enjoy Winter.
206. The fun of driving on a frozen over lake (The kids find it very exciting!).
207. Getting to see little "villages" pop up overnight.
208. Having a nice and well supplied health food store even in our not so big town.
209. Living in the information age where when you want to learn about cooking/baking gluten free you can find oodles of recipes online.
210. Having fun reading and laughing (or crying ) with my children.

holy experience