When I saw all that perfectly good (though crumpled) paper I knew I would want to resuse it. So yesterday I took a little bit of time and ironed it all out and rolled it up. Now I have this:
A large roll of brown paper. I think this is fun to use for wrapping packages (I like to pair it up with pretty ribbon) and it also works great for craft projects. I doubt the business that sent the box realized how happy I would be with all the filler! :-)
We were wrapping presents yesterday as it was my brother Luke's birthday and in the process I had fun coming up with another present wrapped in recycled materials. I thought it would be fun to share with you.
The kids and I made candy for him and I had a box that most of it fit in but the last 6 pieces I couldn't find anything for them to fit in. So I found a butter box that was empty. I put them in it but there was extra space and it looked rather cheesy. So....
I think it ended up making an elegant little package. It was fun and easy to make too. And free, since I used recyled things, and free is always nice!
What is your favorite way to wrap things cheaply?
Here are other ideas for frugal and green gift wrapping.