A Homegrown Dinner

Dinner last night was amazing. It was the kind of dinner that made me wish that I could keep eating all night without getting full.

The dinner's centerpiece was a beautiful free-range chicken that my sister and her husband raised and processed.

The chicken was so flavorful and tender. Jon even noticed the difference in flavor in the chicken. Every time Evan would take a bite of chicken he would say "Num!".

Katie also made us this homemade fettuccine. It was unbelievably delicate and completely delicious! Charlotte won't stop talking about how good it was. She's asked if we can learn how to make it so we can eat it all the time.

I thawed some garden greenbeans that I had in the freezer and made gravy with the chicken drippings.
Please ignore the baby carrots in the chicken pan. My garden carrots are currently being held hostage by the frozen ground. It's not supposed to be 18* at night in North Carolina! I had to settle for store bought baby carrots since they were out of the regular sized ones.

I told Jon that we could eat like this all the time when we buy a couple acres in a couple of years. His reply was, "Do we really have to wait that long?" I think he'd do just about anything to have this kind of meal each night. Hmmm... wonder if there's some laundry he could fold....