Oscar's Knitted Bed

If you can't tell by the picture, Oscar is happy with his bed that I recently knit him. That's his happy face. Actually that's his "Why are you making me look at the camera? Don't you know I'm an emotional Chihuahua" face. He loves his bed. Unfortunately for him, so do the cats. They fill the bed a bit more then he does. I need to make more beds so that every pet has their own but I have trouble with knitting the same pattern more then one time. It's boring. I have to let a month or two go by before I'm ready to reknit most patterns and even then I like to change up the yarn or pattern slightly.
I used leftover Lion Brand "Homespun" yarn. For the record, I hate this yarn. It's hard to knit with because it catches on everything, it unravels as soon as you snip an end, and it shows wear pretty fast. I used it because I didn't want to use anything nicer for a dog bed. The pets seem fine with this yarn though.
I used the Snug Harbor Knit Snuggle pattern. I used size 13 needles. I didn't follow the patterns advice on when to use the contrasting colors. I decided to just knit with the blue until I ran out and then switch to purple.
So, Gracie and Lucky, you need to share this bed with Oscar until I can face knitting another one of these beds. You guys will just have to suffer with sleeping on the couch pillows, the afghans, and the laundry until then.