Juicy Grilled Chicken 101

I dont really like to cook boneless chicken breast because its too 'fleshy' for curries and masak kicaps and such. BUT i love to simply grill them and eat them warm with good bread or lightly dressed mixed greens.
I made this last week with lightly salted brussel sprouts.

Chicken breast ( no skin )
Soy Sauce

I usually try to flatten the chicken a little using the sides of my butcher knife just so i get a thinner piece that'll cook faster . ( speed is always of the essence in this house )
I marinate all of the above for 1 hour ( or sometimes 5 minutes if i'm in a hurry )
Heat grill on medium slow gas. Place chicken skin side down if you're leaving skin on.
Let it cook on one side for maybe 3 minutes ( depend on size ) before you turn and cook the other side.
Best to give it a good poke to peek n see if the inside is cooked. Let rest before you serve.
Dont overcook otherwise you get tough chicken meat .

VERY IMPORTANT Once removed from grill , let it 'rest' on the plate for at least 5-10 minutes before you slice . If you slice it immediately , all the chicken juice will escape and you'll be eating dry chicken. By letting it rest , all the juices is absorbed back into the meat and your chicken will be very very juicy .