It's Snowing!!!!

Snow might not be a cause for great excitement up North, but in North Carolina it's a big deal. I couldn't be happier right now looking out at the beautiful white flakes coming down. We had planned to go to a Christmas parade today but the forecast kept us home. I'm glad now I can enjoy this snow from our warm house. Jon still has to take the band to the parades today and tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers that the parade for tonight gets cancelled so he can come home and enjoy watching the snow fall with us.
The poor little House Finches are fluffed up and huddling on the feeders right now. I'm not sure they're so crazy about the snow.
Evan hasn't learned to say the "F" sound yet. He loves to point out the different types of birds on our feeder. I think we have the only feeders visited by "House Bitches".

I took this picture 20 minutes ago. The snow has accumulated so much since then. We have about an inch on the grass and trees. Not much is sticking to the pavement yet.
We were not supposed to get any accumulation. Surprise!
I'm going to update later with the really snowy pics. The kids are outside right now playing in it. When you get a snow in NC, you have to play in it right away since it could be melted and gone in an hour. Evan's nap is being postponed due to snow. :) Man, I'm loving this!! Snow, baby snow!!