Chocolate Bon-Bon Cookies

These little cookies are delicious. The chocolate cookie is a little like shortbread. The icing just puts them over the top. They're sweet and delicious. It's a good thing to make them small because they are a bit rich .... that didn't stop me from having 3 in a row after I made them.
If these are baked long enough, they'll be crisp. I took mine out of the oven a bit soon so they were soft but still delicious! Chocolate Bon-Bon Cookies (recipe from (dairy-free substitutions in blue)

12 Tbsp. butter, softened (Earth Balance)
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 cup confectioners' sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 1/2 cups All-Purpose Flour

2 cups confectioners' sugar
1/4 cup heavy cream (2-3 Tbsp. coconut milk)
1 Tbsp. vanilla

1. Place all cookie ingredients in the bowl and beat on medium speed with a mixer until a soft, smooth dough is formed. Remove from bowl and shape into a 3/4" disk. Wrap well in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

2. Preheat oven to 350*. Roll dough into balls the size of a large gumball. Place on parchment lined baking sheets (or lightly sprayed with Pam). Space them about 2" apart since they will spread a little. Bake for 7-10 minutes. Watch the cookies carefully to avoid burning.

3. Remove cookies from the oven and allow to cool for a minute or two on the pan before moving them to a cooling rack to cool completely.

4. Mix together icing ingredients until you made a spreadable icing. Add the liquid a little at a time and only add as much as you need to make a thick icing. Pipe or spoon a small amount of icing onto each cookie and top with chocolate chips, sprinkles, etc. Let them set for an hour or two before packing them up to let the icing set up.