And It's STILL Snowing!!

I hate to break it to the weather people, but they were wrong on this one. We definitely have accumulation. There is 2 1/4" on our back patio table as of 3:15pm. It's not sticking to the roads or sidewalks much but it's sticking to everything else!

Charlotte tried building a tiny table top snowman but he kinda fell apart.
The kids played outside for about 25 minutes until I called them in for hot chocolate.

It's a rule that you have to have hot chocolate when you come in from playing in the snow.

Two hours later it looked like this.

This little Titmouse sat there all puffed up for a while. Poor little North Carolina birds. I think he might be considering flying a little farther south next winter.

This feeder is outside of my kitchen window. I love the view from my kitchen. Christmas lights....snow... and birds on the feeder (when I'm not close to the window taking a picture).
It's still coming down out there. I'll do another update this evening or tomorrow morning. I've got to get back to blocking all the knitted Christmas gifts I've been cranking out this past month or so. For some reason I always put off blocking until the last possible moment.
Yay! Jon just called and said he's coming home! They cancelled the parade... or at least the band isn't playing in it. I better warm up another mug of cocoa.