Our New Advent Calendars

My very talented Mom made the kids advent calendars this year. She made one for each child so they wouldn't have to share. I'm glad they have their own too because I think these calendars will be used for a very long time and they'll be able to take their calendars to their own homes one day (though Charlotte says she's always living with us... and that she's marrying Evan).
The numbers on the calendar are mixed up which makes finding and matching the numbers fun for the kids.

Each day, the kids find the pocket that matches the day of the month. Inside each pocket, Mom put a Hershey's kiss. They get to take out the Kiss and put the pocket on the calendar. The pockets are very pretty and stick with Velcro that mom sewed on each date.

I asked Evan to smile but he didn't want to stop unwrapping his Kiss. We do our calendar day after dinner each day and I have to say that dinner is eaten a little faster now. As soon as they're both done, they race to their calendar and try to find the date.

Don't they look beautiful hanging in the kitchen?

Thanks, Mom, for a beautiful new Christmas tradition!