Recipe : TriColor Beans and Prawn Salad

Umar was admitted to DEMC for Rotavirus recently which means I was stuck with hospital food for 3 solid days. Lucky for me DEMC offers room service since it'd be almost impossible for me to leave Umar by himself to get food . One of the salad that I ordered after much contemplation was a plate of ThreeBeans & Prawn salad. I didnt expect much from a hospital menu , especially when it comes to salads. Nonetheless , i was pleasantly surprised to find the simply prepared salad fresh , well seasoned , prawns juicy and its portion filling.


Very simple.
U need kidney beans ( drained ) , Chickpeas ( drained ) and Green beans ( if frozen, thaw and blanch Dont use canned beans ) , thinly sliced onions and tomatoes . Boil prawns in lightly salted water , drain .

Scatter everything over a plate of green salad ( i think butterhead works best for this recipe )
Squirt Thousand Island salad dressing all over.

Told you its simple.

For mint tea , just add a bunch of fresh mint into your tea.