A Brand Spankin' New Year

Isn't it amazing how the beginning of a new calendar can make everything seem possible? A whole year stretching ahead with nothing but possibilities. We've started off our New Year by clearing out the clutter and junk from our house. We've bagged it, boxed it, and either thrown it out or boxed it for charity. We're not done with all of the rooms but we're 75% there. It feels good to get rid of stuff that is no longer needed or wanted.
Last year I watched a movie ("Food Inc.") and read two books ("Omnivores Dilemma" and "In Defense of Food") that changed the way I think about food and changed the way my family eats (well, 95% of the time, that is). I'd like to look back at this past year and revisit the resolutions I made a year ago today.

2010 Res.#1- Buy fewer processed foods - Last year I jumped right in and tried to make everything possible from scratch. I made hamburger rolls, pretzels, crackers, ... you name it. Some things were wonderful and some things were flops. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. Don't get me wrong, I love cooking and baking but I would like to continue to love it. By burning myself out (pun intended) by trying to make everything, I ruin the fun and love of food. Food shouldn't be a chore.
Evan learning to roll out pizza dough
Last year I started to slowly transition from making everything under the stars to making some things and buying the rest. I've found a good balance that I'm happy with. The foods I do buy are as close to whole foods as I can manage while still saving me time in the kitchen. I look at labels and find foods with fewest ingredients and ingredients I recognize as food. I make all our cookies, muffins, and treats. The snack foods I buy are crackers, pretzels, and the occasional bag of chips. I tried making those from scratch but I've been met with only mediocre success. So now I buy them and bake them when I want to... and when it makes me happy.

I've finally been successful in ridding our house of foods containing High-Fructose Corn Syrup or Partially Hydrogenated oils. I've been able to find foods from Walmart that are free of those ingredients which makes it easier to stick to our grocery budget. It was tricky finding some things that didn't contain those ingredients (Worcestershire sauce and beans... who know?) but it makes grocery shopping more fun. Okay, fun might be pushing it a bit. Still, playing "read the ingredients" can be enlightening.
2010 Res.#2- Buy local whenever possible -
I've added lots of local products to our diet this past year.... beef, pork, honey, eggs, and all kinds of fruits and veggies. I've added as many things as I can manage without stress and without breaking the bank. My sister raised chickens for me this past year so now my freezer is full of free-range chicken. My mom has a wonderful flock of backyard chickens and is VERY generous with sharing the eggs they lay.
Some things have proved too expensive (local pastured poultry and local dairy) so I do what I can and I don't stress about the rest. I still buy bacon from the store. Until I can find a good local source with bacon I can afford, I'll switch. Until then, I buy bacon and don't stress. Again, it's all about balance for me.
Homemade cinnamon rolls with local scrambled eggs and homemade applesauce from local apples

2010 Res. #3 - Get the most from my garden - Well, last year's garden started off great but soon went downhill starting with temperatures in the 90's in April! We had a hot, hot summer with either no rain or way too much. We traveled 4 of 8 weeks last summer so it made keeping up with weeds and harvests challenging to say the least. I could have spent every moment that I was home between vacations weeding, watering, and trying to save anything that would survive our unusual summer but instead I decided to let it go. Letting it go was hard because of all the planning and work that went into making last year's garden. I was sad to look out and see my meadow of weeds but it was a lost cause.
So, last year's third resolution was a flop. The good news is that there is no garden police. Thank goodness or else I would have been thrown in the slammer for neglect. I'm hoping that this year our weather will be a bit closer to average. I'm going to plan a garden around our summer traveling. I will grow a garden that provides me with enjoyment as well as food. And if all else fails, I'll be at the Farmer's Market, basket in hand.
Last year's resolutions led to the way that we eat now. I am so happy with the food that we eat. I'm happy with the balance I've found. I don't want to be fearful of food and I don't want to lose the joy of eating it.
So, this year? What do I want to resolve to do this year? Well, I'm not quite sure. I'm very happy with life at this moment. I guess if I had to pick one thing to do differently this year, I would pick.... drum roll, please..
2011 New Year's Resolution ... Eat More Vegetables
Yep, that's it. Nothing dramatic. I want to "keep on, keepin' on" the way I am right now... only with a few more veggies in my diet.
So, here's wishing you a Happy New Year full of possibilities!