Life with Lord Byron {A Review}

Recently I had the fun of reading "Life with Lord Byron" by Peggy Nelson. Byron Nelson (Nicknamed "Lord Byron" by colleagues) was a famous golfer from way back in 1945. I guess he is still very well known in golfing circles and still holds several world records. He may have been the greatest golfer of all time.

 When I received the book as a gift from Kathy Carlton Willis Communications for purposes of reviewing I had never heard of Byron Nelson. I have very little interest in golf (or any pro sports for that matter) and I wasn't sure how interesting I would find the book but I had decided to give it a try as I do enjoy biographies.

  I was quite pleasantly surprised with the book! Byron Nelson may have been a great golfer but more than that he was a great christian! And that is what the book is really about. His wife Peggy (who he married after his first wife of many years died) tells of her time with him. What she tells of how he treated her and others- always thinking of others first and doing his best to letting Jesus shine through him is very inspiring.

  Byron and Peggy had interesting circumstances with Byron being around 30 years older than she. However in the book there are many things that show what a good marriage is really about. It was so encouraging to read about their relationship, how they celebrated their anniversary every month since they would never have enough time together to just do it every year, how they gently worked out their differences and how they honored and loved each other.

  The book is Peggy's story of life with Lord Byron and she tells much about him but there are also many notes from others sharing what Lord Byron meant to them, how he encouraged them or shared Christ with them and about how humble he was (even though he was a quite famous man).

  I really enjoyed this book and I think you will too if you should have a chance to read it!