Spring is for skirts!

 I really really like Spring! I enjoy Winter too but there is just something about Spring that always makes me feel excited. The warmer weather lately (We actually started having Spring weather early this year though the last couple of days have been getting colder again) has been making me want to clean and organize AND wear lighter, brighter clothing.

    Skirts have been on my mind. I have some that I want to make for me (or re-make) but I haven't actually worked on any of those yet. Instead I made one for Mara that she wore to church on Sunday and then SuSan saw it and wondered if I would make one for her. I was happy to do it for her. She has been giving so many little gifts to me kids lately, it was fun to do something for her as well.

   The project was a nicely simple one. I went through my stash of old t-shirts to see what I had in pink (SuSan's favorite color) and came up with this combination:
I cut of the bottom of the striped t-shirt to use as the top of the skirt.
I left the hem in place and used it as it was. I did take the side seams in a bit though as there were slits on the side and it was a bit wider than needed.
Then I cut some of these gore shapes out of pink (dark and light) and the striped material as well as white which I ended up needing to add.
I sewed them together, alternating the colors.

Then I pinned the top of the flared part of the skirt underneath to top part of the skirt (the old shirt hem) and sewed them together. I used both a straight stitch and a zig zag stitch. Next I made a turned down the top of the skirt to make a casing to insert the elastic. After inserting the elastic I then hemmed the bottom (using the machine) and I was all done!

It is always fun to do a simple project like that. I was able to take it to SuSan at church that evening and she was quite pleased. She wore it to church on Wednesday night.
Here she is in her new skirt. She was really tired which is why I couldn't really get a smile.

 That is one of my frugal projects for the week. What have you been up to at your house?

For more frugal ideas I recommend visiting Frugal Friday at Life as MOM.