A new wreath

 We have been pretty busy working on projects lately. Just today we did some decorating in the girls room, made butterhorns, cookies and cake and we also put together this wreath. My neices and nephew came over for the day and we had a fun time doing things with them. (It is a treat to spend time with them as they actually live over a 4 hour drive away.)

   This wreath was one that Mara had origanally made for the county fair with all natural things. We decided to dress is up a bit for Spring today so I pulled out some silk and dried flowers and ribbon and Margaret (my niece) went to work. I then added a few more flowers and the big bow at the top and hung it up. It was a fun group effort and I am enjoying the cheeriness that it lends to our front door.

   Stay tuned as I hope to tell you about a bunch of other projects I have been working on soon! :-)

 Also don't miss the fun giveaway that I have going on right now for a 18 x 24 inch photo poster!

I am linking this to DIY day at A soft place to land.