For a Sweet Boy

A lovely very pastel baby panel in blue & green. Saw it. Grabbed it. Its ever so lite in color.

Put a 2.5" lite blue tone on tone fabric. Next was a 2" lite yellow lined fabric. And finally, a 5.5" green fabric with small yellow circles. Went back to the blue for its 4 cornerstone.

My ever loyal blue polkadot (yikes! running out of my polkadot collection) as backing fabric and went back to blue again as binding.

Nice & Sweet. Perfect for a baby boy.

Measurement : 40" W X 52" L
Made out of 100% American cotton
Price : RM180
Status : SOLD!

Exciting Events for our Family

 We have had a wonderful evening!

 Mara decided that she wanted to make the decision to become a Christain and follow Jesus for the rest of her life. This evening after church she was baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of her sin. I am so thrilled! This is such a huge, life directing decision and not one to make lightly. She didn't make it without much thought and study.  I hope to share pictures and more about this before to long!

  Also my older brother Peter and his family, which includes a 3 1/2 month old that we had not met before, came on a somewhat spur of the moment trip today. They live in Colorado and we don't get to see them often and are so happy they could come! My new niece is adorable and I plan on spending the next few days holding her as much as possible!

So.... Posting here might not happen very much these next few days but you can be sure that we are having a wonderful time! :-)

Exciting Events for our Family

 We have had a wonderful evening!

 Mara decided that she wanted to make the decision to become a Christain and follow Jesus for the rest of her life. This evening after church she was baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of her sin. I am so thrilled! This is such a huge, life directing decision and not one to make lightly. She didn't make it without much thought and study.  I hope to share pictures and more about this before to long!

  Also my older brother Peter and his family, which includes a 3 1/2 month old that we had not met before, came on a somewhat spur of the moment trip today. They live in Colorado and we don't get to see them often and are so happy they could come! My new niece is adorable and I plan on spending the next few days holding her as much as possible!

So.... Posting here might not happen very much these next few days but you can be sure that we are having a wonderful time! :-)


I've finally completed it! I'm SOOOO excited about this one people! I cut out 6 horse templates and hand stitched all of them with blanket stitch - pinks on browns and vice-versa.

Knew I wanted to go with brown as the first sashing so went hunting for the right fabric. Found this perfect dark brown fabric to bring out the individual horses.

So the first sashing was a 2.5" tie-dye-like dark brown fabric. Next I cut the remainder initial fabric given to me - pinks only - at 2" x 5" and sew them together length wise. Then went back to the dark brown (cut at 2.5" again) and found a perfect pink-brown polkadot to finish off!

Again, a perfect ever so lite pink fabric for its backing and another shade of marbled pink fabric for binding.

G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S ! What more can I say. Took a long time making but oh so worth it :-) Hope your little princess likes it N!

I Spy Quilt - II

A friend rung and asked if I could please do another "I Spy Quilt". Looked at my stash and yup, have enough for one more so I made another "I Spy Quilt" - with borders this time. (Sorry, but the picture is somewhat blur here).

Same 4.5" block of variety animal print fabrics with a 2" black fabric sashing in between. There are 54 blocks altogether (6 across & 9 down). Finished off with a lovely 5" multicolor dots on black fabric - PERFECT!

A dark blue fabric as its backing and went with bright marbled yellow for binding this time (the earlier one has bright red binding).

Love the effect!

Measurement : 43" W x 57" L
Made out of 100% American cotton
Price : RM180
Status : SOLD!

Another finished project!

I love making things. I have been that way for a very long time, as long as I can remember. Because of my enjoyment in making things, I tend to start a lot of projects. Many of them I complete but some of them....well sometimes they get forgotten and stuffed away and left useless for quite some time.

    One particular project was a coat. I started it when I was 15 or 16 during a time that we enjoyed visiting rendezvous - an event where people would act and dress in period (the ones we went to were set in the 1800s) clothing. I had fun making costumes for the guys in my family and I to wear to them. One book I had showed a fun pattern for a cape which I helped a friend to make and then I wanted to make one too. My Mom advised that having a coat connected to it would be much more practical in our cold MN winters and so I did that.

   Well I got most of it done but then had some troubles and basically just got tired of the project. I wasn't completely liking how it was turning out and I think my interests had drifted a bit. Anyway it got set aside and I worked on other things. I did pull it out to use it a couple of times for victorian strolls (a Christmas time event) in Albia, IA when we lived near there but I used it without buttons and a make shift hem.

   But finally, as of yesterday, it is done! I still might make some improvements on it but it is fully hemmed and has buttons and buttonholes. It feels so nice to finally finish this project!  It is a unique coat (and my family is not sure that they are that fond of it -though I think Megan said it was pretty) and I am not sure that I will wear it a lot but I enjoy unique clothing from time to time and I think I will enjoy having it as an option. The length makes it pretty warm (too warm for our current weather!).

Here is the back view. I made this out of a couple of old army blankets and I tried to dye it but that didn't work to well and you can still see that there are two different shades. Any suggestions?

With the hood up. It is a pretty unique hood and I can't imagine wearing it much.

 Now I am on to work on a hammock that has been sitting around and whatever else I can pull out of my desk and closet! Do you have old projects that need finishing sitting around? Maybe I am the only pack rat that keeps unfinished projects around for 16 or so years!

This is linked to:

A soft place to land

Sumo Sweet Stuff

Another finished project!

I love making things. I have been that way for a very long time, as long as I can remember. Because of my enjoyment in making things, I tend to start a lot of projects. Many of them I complete but some of them....well sometimes they get forgotten and stuffed away and left useless for quite some time.

    One particular project was a coat. I started it when I was 15 or 16 during a time that we enjoyed visiting rendezvous - an event where people would act and dress in period (the ones we went to were set in the 1800s) clothing. I had fun making costumes for the guys in my family and I to wear to them. One book I had showed a fun pattern for a cape which I helped a friend to make and then I wanted to make one too. My Mom advised that having a coat connected to it would be much more practical in our cold MN winters and so I did that.

   Well I got most of it done but then had some troubles and basically just got tired of the project. I wasn't completely liking how it was turning out and I think my interests had drifted a bit. Anyway it got set aside and I worked on other things. I did pull it out to use it a couple of times for victorian strolls (a Christmas time event) in Albia, IA when we lived near there but I used it without buttons and a make shift hem.

   But finally, as of yesterday, it is done! I still might make some improvements on it but it is fully hemmed and has buttons and buttonholes. It feels so nice to finally finish this project!  It is a unique coat (and my family is not sure that they are that fond of it -though I think Megan said it was pretty) and I am not sure that I will wear it a lot but I enjoy unique clothing from time to time and I think I will enjoy having it as an option. The length makes it pretty warm (too warm for our current weather!).

Here is the back view. I made this out of a couple of old army blankets and I tried to dye it but that didn't work to well and you can still see that there are two different shades. Any suggestions?

With the hood up. It is a pretty unique hood and I can't imagine wearing it much.

 Now I am on to work on a hammock that has been sitting around and whatever else I can pull out of my desk and closet! Do you have old projects that need finishing sitting around? Maybe I am the only pack rat that keeps unfinished projects around for 16 or so years!

This is linked to:

A soft place to land

Sumo Sweet Stuff

A Great Weekend With Family

The weekend before last (nothing like prompt blog posts), my mother and father-in-law and my sister-in-law came for a visit. They live about 8 hours away but never seem to mind a trip down to spend time with their grandkids.

My in-laws live near Milroy Maple Syrup farm. They brought us 3 gallons of maple syrup and we only paid $36 a gallon! I'm hoping the 3 gallons lasts us a whole year. They were also nice enough to make a second stop on their way down to bring me maple cream. For those who haven't tried it before, it's spreadable maple syrup. I toast homemade bread, top it with butter, and then a light layer of maple cream. It's heaven. Let's just say I'm hiding the jar of maple cream in the fridge so no one else can find it.

After opening a gallon of syrup, it's best to keep it fresh one of two ways (though I guess there could be more ways but these are the two that I know). The first way is to can it and the second way is to freeze it. I have the freezer space so I freeze the syrup. It keeps really well this way.

I made a big breakfast of local sausage, homemade peach and strawberry applesauce, local eggs, and of course pancakes so we could enjoy the fresh syrup.

My kiddos are lucky enough to be thoroughly spoiled by their grandparents and aunt. I'm not sure how the Easter Bunny can compete with the lovely gifts they brought.

Aunt Sue made this beautiful dress for Charlotte. It even has a matching purse!

Last Saturday's weather was amazing so we took advantage of it by getting some outside chores marked off of our to do list. We got out the shade sail that we usually put up each year around this time. Because we live in a neighborhood without any trees near the houses, the sun gets very intense in the summer. Our living room has a western exposure and gets very hot in the summer without the shade sail up.

It feels cooler already.
Jon tackled our back gate. It's in need of a paint job. He'll get to that in a few more months but for now, he needed to fix a few pickets and the support board.

He did a great job. Grammy soaks in the sun while holding nails for Jon.

I should know by now that when I just mention a project to my father-in-law hoping for a little advice that not only will I get great advice but he also will go ahead in completing the project in a way that exceeds my every expectation.

I was given these vinyl fence panels by a friend's neighbor who was replacing their fence and was going to throw them out. There was enough fencing to go around my back garden but I wasn't sure how to go about putting them up. I was going to settle for some twine and tomato stakes. I should have known better.

What I ended up with was a beautiful fence that will last for years. He was even able to use a hinge from our back gate so that I'll be able to get into my garden easily. I got very lucky when it came to inlaws.
Now I have to grow a garden worthy of the beautiful fence!

I put down a fluffy layer of new pine straw(needles) in the front flowerbeds.

**My picture uploader is making mad so I'll upload the picture of the finished fence in the morning**
The view of the back garden from under the shade sail. Jon got to cut the grass for the first time this spring. Cutting grass is one of the few household chores he enjoys doing.

It was such a nice day that we all ate dinner outside.

It was a great weekend.