First Dentist Appointment

Jackson waiting in the lobby to go for 'his turn' to the dentist. This is his FIRST time there. Charlotte and Christopher went in ahead of him...they came out with 'gifts' so he's thinking this is a good deal....

The dentist walked in and her comment was "Oh! he is soooo cute"

"Open wide...we have to count your teeth" problem!
He just did as he was told....then we went to Denny's for
brunch as it was his Mommy's birthday and birthday people get
a free meal at Denny's right on their birth date!!

All done his meal and is ready to 'go'....
Aunty Karyn joined us for brunch...then she took Janis and Jackson shopping
and I took Charlotte and Christopher to my place and we swam for hours...
then played board games...then it was time to head home! A very good day.