Charlotte's "April Showers" Sweater

I finished Charlotte's sweater using the same pattern that I used to make Evan's. I'm so excited to have now made 2 sweaters. Charlotte loves it and wore it to school and over-top her leotard on the way to Gymnastics last night.

I used the pattern called "April Showers" from Knitting The New Classics. It's a simple pullover that is all knit flat then seamed together. I knit the size 8 for her and knit the body an inch longer and the sleeves an inch longer. Next time I'd leave the sleeves as it read on the pattern since they came out really long but rolling them works fine. I knit the neck the recommended 3" and I like it much better then Evan's neckline that was only 2".
The yarn is Lion Brand Homespun in "Baroque". It's a pretty purple with red and pink tones mixed in.

I'm so glad to have finished their sweaters while we still have cold weather.