Culinary Catch Up

Over the past two weeks, I've cooked/baked a few things I wanted to share with you all. Here they are all at once.

First I made a Lemon Curd Pie (I don't like Meringue) I used a classic crust recipe. This one happened to be Martha Stewart's. I only used half of the crust dough and froze the other half.

I made lemon curd. It was really easy and worth making from scratch. I used this recipe but quadrupled it. It turned out pretty tart so next time I might add a bit more sugar.

It was so delicious! I used extra creamy Redi Whip to top the pie. You can go for a delicate design with the whipped cream like the pie in the foreground or make the whipped cream layer twice as thick as the pie layer (I chose the second option).
Moving on to Caldo Verde. It's a Portuguese soup that my mom first made for us when our close family friend came to visit when we were still kids. He was Portuguese so she wanted to find a recipe to honor his heritage. We all loved it and it became a regular family meal from then on. I think this is the first time I have made it as an adult though. It was just as good as I remembered.

I used Kale from my garden.

Yum! I'm never sure what my favorite ingredient is.... the beans? the shredded potato? maybe the polka kielbasa? Well, whatever it is, it sure was good!

Lastly we have Pizza Night. I've been trying different pizza crust recipes and finally I have a winner. It was the best pizza I had had in a long time.
I used this recipe. I love that they give you so many options for making the crust ahead, making it then, or even partially cooking it then freezing the crust for later. The only change I made was to use 1/2 white whole wheat flour. I divided the dough into 4 personal sized pizzas.
I use Ragu pizza sauce. It tastes the best of all the ones I've tried. I want to find a good homemade recipe for pizza sauce that tastes similar but until then, Ragu will work.

I love Pizza night.