89. Homeschooling. I feel so blessed to be able to spend each and every day having fun learning with my children.
90. Books. There are so many neat ones to enjoy. I have found some lovely ones lately.
93. Overhearing my children having fun having their Geckos act out Bible Stories. It is so fun to hear how well they remember and grasp them.
96. God's versatility in decorating. One day we will be enjoying pretty fall leaves, then gorgeous sunrises and then beautiful white snow. This Fall has been interesting and it has been FUN!
97. Humor in places I don't suspect. I don't think you can read the picture very well but on Sunday my parents brought my a bunch of Goatburger that they had packaged up for us. My little sister and friends had labeled it and they were all interesting, things like "Spider legs", "Squashed earth worms", "Boogers", "Belly button lint" and so forth. It made me laugh.
98. Smiles, Creativity and fun. I love watching my kids have fun!
99.Prayer. Oh I am so thankful to have a God that I can talk to personally, who cares about everything that bothers me, makes me sad and just anything and everything. He is always there and I can pour out my heart to him while driving down the road, standing in the shower, washing dishes, just anywhere!
100. Not having to be afraid about anything because I have a God who cares far more for me (and my family....and you and your family....and....) than any sparrow that falls, than anything. He knows how many hairs I have on my head. He knows me better than I know myself.