WFMW ~ Rest time = less grumpiness and more energy for us.

Something that most definitely works in our house is nap times. I know nap times are pretty normal for those age 3 and down but at our house we have nap/rest time for every child and mother. (Ken is usually at work but even if home does not participate. :-)

Our method: After lunch we read the Bible together as well as a story or two (usually an educational book and a story book) and then everybody is off to their own bed for around 1 hour. Not everybody sleeps (Mara (8) never does unless sick and Jonathan (6) does only very rarely and Aaron (4) doesn't always either) but everybody lies down quietly. Everybody is allowed (including Megan (2) ) to have books with them to look at or read. I almost always lie down too, I usually read for around 1/2 hour and then nap for around 20 minutes. After I get up then I go tell those that are still awake that they can get up but they are supposed to be reasonably quiet until everybody is awake.

Why it works for us:

  • We have far less grumpiness in the evenings. That includes everybody! Megan and Aaron are the most likely to display grumpiness if a nap is missed but if the older kids or I miss that down time we are more likely to be grumpy as well.

  • I have way more energy in the evenings. It helps me to be able to have the energy to work hard all afternoon and into the evening if that is the plan. I can also be a better wife for Ken when he comes home. I am not to tired after supper to get everything cleaned up.

  • Many Americans including young mothers and children are not getting the sleep that they need. Nap times help to ensure that we do and then we can (hopefully!) stay healthier.

  • We are together most of the time as a family. This is good but alone time is good too. Our rest time gives us the alone time we need so we can better appreciate all of our together time.

What do you think? Do you like nap times or is that something that doesn't work at your house?

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