The remaking of a dress

Just lately Mara and I had fun working on a dress makeover together. We had been given a sundress (which was cute but we don't like things without sleeves) and a bright pink t-shirt. They both were in nice condition (though the hem had been taken out of the t-shirt) and we decided that they coordinated well enough  to put them together. So we did!
I cut the top off of the sundress, and a couple of inches off the bottom of the shirt. and then sewed them together. I was happy with how well the size matched.

Then I decided it would be fun to make little fabric flowers to help tie the whole dress together. From the top that I had cut off, I cut a strip 1" by 18" and ran a gathering thread on one edge. Then I gathered it up.
 Next I coiled it, so that it looked somewhat like a flower.
Then on the t-shirt top I sewed a narrow ribbon on in a zig-zag pattern and then sewed the "flower" over where the ribbon ends met. I sewed a button in the center to finish it off.
 Next I decided to put a flower made the same way from the hot pink fabric on the skirt bottom.
All done! It was a fun and simple project.
 I was inspired to make t-shirt fabric flowers by Sachiko at Tea Rose Home. She has made some beautiful redone t-shirts and I hope to try some of her ideas soon.

What have you been making lately?