Of Pumpkins and Candy

Last week Evan helped me buy two local pumpkins. The one on the left is a pie variety that I bought from a farmer close to Jon's school. Every year he piles pumpkins on his front lawn. Each pumpkin has a little tag on it with the price and there's a mason jar sitting next the pumpkins for the money. I'll be turning this pumpkin into lots of pumpkin puree to put in the freezer for this year's pumpkin pies, muffins, and all other things pumpkin flavored.... but that will be a job for this weekend.

The typical, bright orange pumpkin is from the farmer's market. Evan picked it out. This is the pumpkin that was the star of the show this past Sunday.

So, under our shade sail on the back patio, we set out to carve a jack-a-lantern. Charlotte never got tired of saying "Ewwww...." even though she was more then willing to reach her hand in and grab seeds.

Jon was the photographer and he always surprises me with such fantastic pictures. I love Evan in the shadows of this one.

Everyone helped scrap out the goo. Goo is the technical term, right?

Great job, Charlotte!

Jon's extreme close up of me carving the eye of the pumpkin.

I swear, the knife was not that close to Evan's face.


Here is our silly jack-a-lantern all aglow.

We went to our friend's house to trick or treat and have dinner.
Charlotte was a princess. She picked out her own outfit from her dress-up box.
Evan was Winnie The Pooh.

The kids loved trick or treating with their friends.

It was a great night. We called it a day after about 10 houses. That was plenty of walking for the little ones.
I hope everyone had a great Halloween!