Mommy n dotter Apron

it's every mom's dream to have fun with their lil girl in the kitchen.. here is some really cute apron for momy n dotter.. this is for myself n my Marissa.. lil emolument M is stand for Marissa.. also for Mommy...

the cutest thing...
 mommy lil helper..
Open now for custom made order

email me @ for inquiries..
price starts from RM60 for 1set of mommy n dotter apron .. additional charge apply for dotter apron over 3yrs..

me n my Marissa..
enjoy 'main masak2'

recycled sweater

This ONE large felted (on purpose) man's sweater
made leg warmers,legs cuffs and two hats.
...on hat (using neck line) is just about done!

used the caps of the sleeves to make this hat with is adorable
If anyone has pure wool sweaters that they are NOT ever going to use again, please send them my way!..thanks.

Autumn Harvest Soup With Pumpkin Dinner Rolls

With an abundance of winter squash puree on my hands, I decided to come up with a meal that is good for you and packed with flavor.
This soup has been one of my favorites for a long time. The addition of apples helps give it a touch of sweetness.
The pumpkin rolls were a huge hit! I reinvented my favorite dinner roll recipe to include pumpkin. The pumpkin made them very moist. They were as soft and delicious on day 3 as they were when they were fresh. Pumpkin Dinner Rolls

1 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 c. Earth Balance, melted and cooled (or butter)
1/3 cup honey
2 tsp. salt
2 1/2 tsp. yeast
2 Tbsp. Vital Wheat Gluten (helps whole wheat breads rise)
1 cup warm water
4 1/2-5 1/2 cups White Whole Wheat Flour (you may need more or less depending on humidity)

-In a large bowl, mix together all ingredients except the flour. Stir well to combine.

-Mix in the flour until the dough comes together without being too sticky or too dry. When in doubt, put in less flour. A dough that is too dry will be hard to work with and not as tasty to eat. You can always mix in more flour as you knead if it's too sticky.

- Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 10 minutes dusting lightly with flour to keep it from sticking to the surface and your hands.

-Put dough into an oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap sprayed with Pam or a damp kitchen towel. Set in a warm place to rise until about doubled in size (about 90 minutes).

- Preheat oven to 350*. Grease (spray well with Pam) an 11"x18" pan or two 9"cake pans. Form about 18 rolls equal in size (about the size of a large egg,but round)and place in the pan(s). Let them rise until almost doubled in a warm place (about 45-60 minutes).
Place in the preheated, 350* oven for 35-40 minutes or until a digital thermometer inserted into the center of a roll reaches 190*.

-Turn the rolls out onto a cooling rack and brush the tops of the rolls with melted Earth Balance. Enjoy warm or at room temperature.

Autumn Harvest Soup

4 cups butternut squash puree
1 large onion, diced
2 Tbsp olive oil or Earth Balance
2 medium apples, diced (not Granny Smith)
1 quart chicken stock (homemade preferred but LOW sodium if you buy it)

1. In a large pot, saute onions and apples in oil or Earth Balance on medium-low heat until VERY soft. They need to be very soft or they won't puree into a smooth soup. Don't let them brown.

2. Puree onions and apples in a food processor or blender until very smooth. Add back to the pot and turn heat to medium. Add butternut squash puree and chicken stock. Add salt to taste.
(The amount of salt will vary greatly depending on your broth. Store bought broth has so much salt that you may not have to add any additional salt. I use homemade stock without any added salt so I use close to 1 1/2tsp. of salt to my soup. )

3. Let soup simmer until heated through. Taste to be sure any onions were well pureed. If you taste tiny bits of onion, let the soup boil for about 15-20 minutes to fully cook the onions. Check seasonings. Serve. Serves approx. 6 large adults.

I'm excited to enter these recipes in the Naturally Frugal Food Challenge. Wish me luck!

Party Antz!

It was a "Party Antz" panel I bought some time ago from etsy, I think it is. Bright and colourful. I simply added 2 frames of 2" tone-on-tone fabric of different colours.

Here's how it looks like.

After the 2 frames, I added 3" black polkadot to bring out the 'ants' and finished it off with a 5" striped border.

A simple white base with tiny red prints as backing fabric and pale pink fabric as binding.


Measurement : 44" W X 56" L
Made out of 100% American cotton
Price : RM250
Status : SOLD!

Have a Handmade Christmas {Week 7}

 With Christmas lights now sparkling in the snow outside it is beginning to feel very holidayish. Inside we are still decorated for fall (I like to stay that way at least until December and often until after my birthday on the 6th) but we are working a little more often on presents, there are some secrets around the house and we are having fun!

  We don't give large numbers of presents and everything has to be fairly small because our rule is "Everything has to fit in the stocking!". We still have the fun of presents without much stress. I am thankful we have decided to do it this way.

 We had quite a few projects started but not much finished so I hurried and got this one done this evening so I could share it with you.

 It is a journal for Mara. She has a nice normal journal (which she enjoys using) but I had read an idea once about a journal which you use to encourage one another. My plan is to write in the front page some encouraging words for Mara and then if she wants she can leave a message for someone else and stick on their pillow or someplace that they will see it. Or maybe it will be used simply for Mara with Ken and I leaving new notes every so often. I will see how it goes. I do think she will like it as she loves getting and giving little notes to say "I love you" or something else like that.
To make it I took around 20 sheets of paper and cut them in half. Then I took stacks of 5 and folded them in half.
Next I sewed a 3/8 inch seam down the side of each folded paper set, to hold the papers together. I think it is rather fun to sew on paper! :-)

 Next I cut out front and back covers. I just used brown cardboard. I cut them 5 3/4 inches by 4 1/2 inches- a little bigger than the paper.

Then I measured and marked 3 places for holes across the spine area of the papers and covers.
 Then I used a hammer and nail to make holes there so that I could put a needle through.
Then using some sturdy thread I sewed through those holes and tied them tightly together. I decided to leave the covers brown cardboard but they could also easily be covered with fabric or a decorative paper.
 Next I made a spine cover out of fabric. I cut the fabric 6 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches. I put a tiny hem in the top and bottom and then I folded the sides in to meet at the middle and hot glued them in place.

 I then glued it on putting a strip of fabric over the back and a little bit on each side of the cover.
 Next I decided to put fabric on the corners. I took a little strip which I hemmed on one side and glued on the outside of the cover.
 Then on the inside I folded over the raw edges and glued and then I folded them into the cover of the book and glued in place.
 This is what it looks like at this point. It could be done now but I decided to add a couple of touches.
I added a ribbon place marker which I glued one end of it in the spine and then put a couple of beads on the other end. I also decided to add some fabric flowers which I made from scraps using this idea. You could decorate your journal however you like best!

I also wanted to show you one of the gifts Megan (my 4 year old) has made.
She wanted to make cards with me the other day and I suggested she make some for Mara for Christmas.
She decided she wanted to use some veggie pictures that I had and then wanted to decorate them like Veggie Tales.  I pulled out the googly eyes and pom poms and she had fun. I love the result. She also wrote a card for her with parts of the Veggie Tales song and other things she wanted to tell Mara. We had a lot of fun working on this little project together.

What have you been making lately? Please join me and link up your handmade Christmas posts!

I would just request that you link up your specific post not just your blog and that you would link back to here. Thanks much! I looking forward to seeing your ideas!

Have a Handmade Christmas {Week 7}

 With Christmas lights now sparkling in the snow outside it is beginning to feel very holidayish. Inside we are still decorated for fall (I like to stay that way at least until December and often until after my birthday on the 6th) but we are working a little more often on presents, there are some secrets around the house and we are having fun!

  We don't give large numbers of presents and everything has to be fairly small because our rule is "Everything has to fit in the stocking!". We still have the fun of presents without much stress. I am thankful we have decided to do it this way.

 We had quite a few projects started but not much finished so I hurried and got this one done this evening so I could share it with you.

 It is a journal for Mara. She has a nice normal journal (which she enjoys using) but I had read an idea once about a journal which you use to encourage one another. My plan is to write in the front page some encouraging words for Mara and then if she wants she can leave a message for someone else and stick on their pillow or someplace that they will see it. Or maybe it will be used simply for Mara with Ken and I leaving new notes every so often. I will see how it goes. I do think she will like it as she loves getting and giving little notes to say "I love you" or something else like that.
To make it I took around 20 sheets of paper and cut them in half. Then I took stacks of 5 and folded them in half.
Next I sewed a 3/8 inch seam down the side of each folded paper set, to hold the papers together. I think it is rather fun to sew on paper! :-)

 Next I cut out front and back covers. I just used brown cardboard. I cut them 5 3/4 inches by 4 1/2 inches- a little bigger than the paper.

Then I measured and marked 3 places for holes across the spine area of the papers and covers.
 Then I used a hammer and nail to make holes there so that I could put a needle through.
Then using some sturdy thread I sewed through those holes and tied them tightly together. I decided to leave the covers brown cardboard but they could also easily be covered with fabric or a decorative paper.
 Next I made a spine cover out of fabric. I cut the fabric 6 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches. I put a tiny hem in the top and bottom and then I folded the sides in to meet at the middle and hot glued them in place.

 I then glued it on putting a strip of fabric over the back and a little bit on each side of the cover.
 Next I decided to put fabric on the corners. I took a little strip which I hemmed on one side and glued on the outside of the cover.
 Then on the inside I folded over the raw edges and glued and then I folded them into the cover of the book and glued in place.
 This is what it looks like at this point. It could be done now but I decided to add a couple of touches.
I added a ribbon place marker which I glued one end of it in the spine and then put a couple of beads on the other end. I also decided to add some fabric flowers which I made from scraps using this idea. You could decorate your journal however you like best!

I also wanted to show you one of the gifts Megan (my 4 year old) has made.
She wanted to make cards with me the other day and I suggested she make some for Mara for Christmas.
She decided she wanted to use some veggie pictures that I had and then wanted to decorate them like Veggie Tales.  I pulled out the googly eyes and pom poms and she had fun. I love the result. She also wrote a card for her with parts of the Veggie Tales song and other things she wanted to tell Mara. We had a lot of fun working on this little project together.

What have you been making lately? Please join me and link up your handmade Christmas posts!

I would just request that you link up your specific post not just your blog and that you would link back to here. Thanks much! I looking forward to seeing your ideas!

Oxygen Bleach from Tropical Traditions {A review and giveaway}

 I am excited to get to tell you about another great product from Tropical Traditions! Also one of you will get to win one. It is Oxygen bleach and though I'll admit I wasn't going crazy with excitement when I found out I won a jar (I was thinking- "oh bleach"...) I am pretty excited about it now that I have had a chance to try it and to read up on all the things it can be used for.

 I won my jar of Oxygen Bleach at the blog 50in8. I had happened over there because I have been following Tropical Traditions' blog that lists all the current giveaways of their products. Every so often when I have some extra time I go and enter in a bunch of them.

When they sent this out to me they said that I could also review it and give one away. Hurray! Not only did I get to win one but one of you can as well!

I have had fun reading up on what this is good for. It comes with some instructions and then they have even more here.

I was excited to find out it was good for treating carpet. Our carpet is in bad shape (cream just doesn't work well for our busy family- we hope to get rid of living room carpet sometimes) but still when there are spots that really, really stand out then I try to get rid of them. Once such spot arrived recently:
 I think it may have been cranberries from Thanksgiving.
I mixed up the oxygen bleach according to directions and used it. There is a little bit of a spot left but it is much better. However it did rather point out how yucky our carpet is as it left a lighter spot where I had treated.  There is hope though! The Oxygen bleach bottle says that it can be used in the carpet shampooer. I have been planning on shampooing pretty soon (I rent one about once a year) and I think this Oxygen bleach will help it to get much cleaner than the regular stuff does!

Next try out was some laundry.
 This pair of Megan's pants had some very set stains in the knees. I mixed up some hot water and Oxygen bleach and soaked them over night. Today I washed them in the regular laundry.

They aren't perfect but they are much much better and with hardly any work at all. I am pleased!

I did also try soaking some very old and stained dishcloths and napkin. I think they were to far gone- I didn't really see any change in them. So Oxygen bleach isn't a miracle worker but it works well and it is safer for us and the environment.

 Another thing that I like about it is that it is going to stretch so far. You get 6 lbs of powder and you only use an ounce or so at a time.

If you would like to buy this you can get a great deal today! It is on sale for $16.75 but through the end of the day if you use code: 241110 you can get $10 off. Also if you chose "referred by a friend" on your order and put in the code: 6527139 You will receive a free book about Virgin Coconut Oil. It looks like it would be very informative and useful. I would also benefit. If you need any help at all their customer service department is available.

Would you like to win some Oxygen Bleach?

This is open to those in the United States and Canada (though those is Canada will be responsible for any Customs or Duties that may be charged). The giveaway will run through December 8th.

To enter:
Mandatory 1st entry:
~Visit Tropical Traditions and tell me what you learned Oxygen Bleach can do or tell my about one of their other household cleaners that you would like to try.

Additional entries (do any one or all of them and then leave a comment for each one):
~Subscribe to Tropical Traditions e-mail sales newsletter.
~Become a follower of my blog (let me know what method you use).
~Leave a comment on my Thanksgiving post and then come back here and let me know you commented.

Please be sure to leave an e-mail address if your e-mail is not in your blog profile. I will need to be able to contact you if you should win.

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

Oxygen Bleach from Tropical Traditions {A review and giveaway}

 I am excited to get to tell you about another great product from Tropical Traditions! Also one of you will get to win one. It is Oxygen bleach and though I'll admit I wasn't going crazy with excitement when I found out I won a jar (I was thinking- "oh bleach"...) I am pretty excited about it now that I have had a chance to try it and to read up on all the things it can be used for.

 I won my jar of Oxygen Bleach at the blog 50in8. I had happened over there because I have been following Tropical Traditions' blog that lists all the current giveaways of their products. Every so often when I have some extra time I go and enter in a bunch of them.

When they sent this out to me they said that I could also review it and give one away. Hurray! Not only did I get to win one but one of you can as well!

I have had fun reading up on what this is good for. It comes with some instructions and then they have even more here.

I was excited to find out it was good for treating carpet. Our carpet is in bad shape (cream just doesn't work well for our busy family- we hope to get rid of living room carpet sometimes) but still when there are spots that really, really stand out then I try to get rid of them. Once such spot arrived recently:
 I think it may have been cranberries from Thanksgiving.
I mixed up the oxygen bleach according to directions and used it. There is a little bit of a spot left but it is much better. However it did rather point out how yucky our carpet is as it left a lighter spot where I had treated.  There is hope though! The Oxygen bleach bottle says that it can be used in the carpet shampooer. I have been planning on shampooing pretty soon (I rent one about once a year) and I think this Oxygen bleach will help it to get much cleaner than the regular stuff does!

Next try out was some laundry.
 This pair of Megan's pants had some very set stains in the knees. I mixed up some hot water and Oxygen bleach and soaked them over night. Today I washed them in the regular laundry.

They aren't perfect but they are much much better and with hardly any work at all. I am pleased!

I did also try soaking some very old and stained dishcloths and napkin. I think they were to far gone- I didn't really see any change in them. So Oxygen bleach isn't a miracle worker but it works well and it is safer for us and the environment.

 Another thing that I like about it is that it is going to stretch so far. You get 6 lbs of powder and you only use an ounce or so at a time.

If you would like to buy this you can get a great deal today! It is on sale for $16.75 but through the end of the day if you use code: 241110 you can get $10 off. Also if you chose "referred by a friend" on your order and put in the code: 6527139 You will receive a free book about Virgin Coconut Oil. It looks like it would be very informative and useful. I would also benefit. If you need any help at all their customer service department is available.

Would you like to win some Oxygen Bleach?

This is open to those in the United States and Canada (though those is Canada will be responsible for any Customs or Duties that may be charged). The giveaway will run through December 8th.

To enter:
Mandatory 1st entry:
~Visit Tropical Traditions and tell me what you learned Oxygen Bleach can do or tell my about one of their other household cleaners that you would like to try.

Additional entries (do any one or all of them and then leave a comment for each one):
~Subscribe to Tropical Traditions e-mail sales newsletter.
~Become a follower of my blog (let me know what method you use).
~Leave a comment on my Thanksgiving post and then come back here and let me know you commented.

Please be sure to leave an e-mail address if your e-mail is not in your blog profile. I will need to be able to contact you if you should win.

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.