Garden Update- One week Later

I went seedling hunting this morning and I was so excited with how my "babies" were growing. I thought I'd share their progress with you. When we were preparing the beds last week, I found this strawberry plant in one of the beds. I didn't plant it and I'm not sure where it came from. I haven't had a strawberry plant in the garden for 2 years. I protected it and now it has a home in the middle of my pea patch. I'm excited to see how it does.

Here are some of the peas. They're growing well.

Broccoli (I would also take pictures of the kohlrabi, cabbage and cauliflower but all of the seedlings look the same)

Swiss Chard

Romaine lettuce with red onion slips in the background.

Brussels Sprouts! Yay! Thanks to my sister for sharing her seeds with me.

Broccoli Raab. (Thanks again, Katie)



And Carrots! Already! I'm so excited to have carrot seedlings starting to come up after only a week. I've worked really hard this time to make sure to keep the beds moist. It's been so dry that some days I had to water the beds twice a day to keep them from drying out. It paid off though :)
Watching seedlings sprout never gets old.