Dusting Off The Ol' Sewing Machine

I've been bitten by the sewing bug which hardly ever happens to me. My mom is an insanely talented seamstress and quilter. She made almost all of our clothes when we were little and went on to work as the costumer at the local historic museum. It's not often that she's caught without hand quilting in her purse. I, on the other hand, know how to sew but it's not been one of the hobbies I turn to when I need to relax. In the past week though, I think that may have started to change.

We recently had our satellite TV turned off to save money. We're now watching a few favorite TV episodes online (love hulu.com) and using Netflix. The unforeseen benefit to not having regular TV to watch is a lot of time.... time that I didn't really know I had.

I dusted off my much neglected sewing machine and set it up at the dining room table.

I found a bag of dresses that I had cut out to sew for Charlotte last year but never got around to piecing them together. Luckily I cut out a size too big last year because they fit wonderfully now.

Here's the first of the four dresses. It's a very easy pattern (once you get used to the pleats in the front). She's named it her "Laura Dress" because I told her the fabric might be like the fabric that Laura wore in the Little House on the Prairie (we're reading the books).

It's a good dress for digging....especially while wearing your princess crown.

Good job, Evan! Dig up those weeds for Mommy!

See, it is a good thing to have weeds in your lawn. We have a few little violets growing in the backyard.

Sorry, got distracted by the digging and the flowers.....
I made Charlotte this little pillowcase nightgown by opening up the seam on a pillow case, cutting off the wide hem to use for straps, and putting elastic in the top. She loves it! I need to go thrift store shopping again soon to look for more cute pillow cases.

Here's the second dress from the same pattern as the "Laura Dress". She's saving this one to wear to a birthday party on Saturday.
This one she's named "Spring Dress" because of the flowers. I found these little covered buttons in my sewing box. I have no idea where I got them but I think they look so sweet on this dress.

I made myself a clothespin apron from a fat quarter that my mom gave me (or was it supposed to be for Charlotte... oops) and a ribbon that I saved. The ribbon came wrapped around a blanket I bought from the store and it already had velcro on each end. It was the perfect size to fit around my waist. It was so simple to hem all the sides and sew together. It made hanging laundry much easier this week.

Isn't the fabric funny?
I made myself a nightgown using this online tutorial. I made it from a "vintage" bed sheet and made it knee length. It turned out a bit more frumpy then I was hoping but it's still comfy.
Whew... so it's been a busy sewing week. Now, if I could only get as productive in the gardening area right now....