Decking The Halls... and Baking With Evan

These pictures are actually from a week and a half ago. We got home from traveling for Thanksgiving and put up the Christmas tree so I could take a picture of the kids in front of it for the Christmas cards (more on that later this week).

But before we got started on the tree, Evan helped me make bread. This time we were trying out a 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich bread.

It amazes me how capable he's become. He gets so excited when you ask him to help you with something.

The bread turned out pretty well even though I let it rise too high in the pan and it turned out really delicate and hard to handle because of it.

Now, on to the decking the halls part...

The kids helped Jon put the tree together....

Jon puts the lights on each year after I arrange/bend the branches of the tree to make it look a little less plastic.

Then the ornaments. The kids decorate the bottom half with the non-breakable ornaments all by themselves.

Evan really loved decorating the tree this year.

Like the curlers in Charlotte's hair?

I thought this picture was funny since I didn't realize I was in the picture until I downloaded it. Charlotte was running back and forth to the ornament box the whole time.... hence the blur of pink. She was so good with helping Evan find empty branches that needed ornaments.

Does the tree look like it's tipping over to you? It's only in this picture for some reason. I'm looking at the tree in the living room right now and it's straight. Weird...
And yes, Evan isn't wearing pants. You never know what that child will decide to wear or not to wear at any given moment.

Maybe a cowboy hat with black pumps....

Or Charlotte's skirt... it helps you dance, you know.
Or maybe you'll ask your mom to tie two blankets around you so you look like you're a Christmas pageant shepherd.
I love that boy.