Frugal Networking

Crystal at Biblical Womanhood wrote about Frugal Networking today and wondered if we did that as well. I do and thought it would be fun to think of and share some of the ways that Frugal networking has been beneficial for us.
  1. We give and receive hand-me-down clothes. This helps our clothing expenses out immensely! This networking happens with family, church family, friends and those in our homeschool group.
  2. We share berry (mushroom, etc.) picking spots and when they are ripe.
  3. Years ago friends clued us in on a place we could glean potatoes. We now go every year and get enough for the year (Free!) and we have been spreading the word along to others.
  4. A friend and I enjoy comparing notes on bargains found and also blogs that have helped us in our frugal journeys.
  5. Mom and I alert each other to sales we know the other wouldn't want to miss. Another lady at church also makes sure we know about really good sales.
  6. I have lots of frugal friends (including sisters and such) whom I enjoy visiting with, sharing ideas and learning from each other about how to make our money stretch farther.
  7. Just this week a friend at church gave us some homeschooling stuff that she no longer used and it just so happened we had also discussed a sewing project she was working on and I was able to share with her something that she needed for the project.
  8. Another friend at church when shopping with me once and found out I liked coupons, since then she has been clipping out lots of coupons for me. We have her over fairly regularly and often send home food with her.
  9. We have family and friends that are very sharing with their garden produce (as we also try to be, when we have abundance). Case in point: today I have have spent hours working up a bunch of squash from my parents that I am putting in the freezer.
  10. I have a friend who loves to garage sale and will tell me about a sale that she thinks I might want something from and that has good deals.

That is just a drop in the bucket of the many ways I have been blessed through frugal giving friends.