A busy but very fun week of homeschool activities

 Wow! This has been a full week. We spent time with other homeschoolers every other day! We had some very good times too but I am glad we stay home more on normal weeks. Here is some of the fun we had this week with fellow homeschoolers:

On Sunday afternoon we went to a birthday party for a boy that we have known since birth. They had invited quite a few homeschool families and the kids had lots of fun playing old fashioned games like the tug of war pictured above.

On Tuesday morning we had our normal monthly homeschool get-together. We got ready for a program which we held today (Saturday).
 On Thursday evening we had our first baseball game of the year. We had a good response and had 18 kids this first week. 7 other families have also expressed interest so we might have a big group this year!
The kids seemed to really enjoy baseball and the snacks that we had afterwards!
 Tonight we had an end of year program for our little group of homeschoolers that have been meeting monthly. Some weren't able to make it but we did have 15 kids there tonight.

The younger ones performed "6 little Ducks". It was quite fun!
 All of the kids had a band thanks to the idea of one of them. They didn't get a lot of practice in but "Twinkle Twinkle" sounded pretty good. "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" was a little rough but we appreciated their enthusiasm. :-)
 Some of the younger ones had stars to twinkle and ribbons to twirl.
 Each child was also offered the opportunity to present something on their own. Not all of them did but most did. Mara dramatically read a poem, Jonathan demonstrated his geography skills and Aaron dressed up like a revolutionary soldier and asked some trivia questions.
 The older children did a readers theater production.
And then we ended the evening with a spelling bee. Aaron was the first one up and he didn't get his word (I haven't worked on spelling much with him yet- next year I will!) but there were several pretty good spellers. Our older two did decently but didn't win.

All in all we have had some fun times!