Selamat Hari Raya to all! I'm back after a few days of Raya hols, fun & food. Eager to get started on my sewing as I have tons to do.
I've been wanting to try my hand at this zig-zag quilt without using HST (half-square triangles). As usual, following my heart and with no planning, I decided on these strong colours - red, orange, yellow & pink - alternating with solid white.
Enjoying it here & gaining confidence. Had some left over of the lovely striped fabric of similar colors - great coincidence! - and put that as 5.5" border.
Simple zig-zag quilting done here.
Perfect polkadot fabric as backing (did I mention i LOVE polkadots!) and binding was a solid shocking pink.
Looking good . . . . Oh DEAR! What's this . . . ? Glaring mistakes at the bottom - LOL!! Just as well - I love imperfections - hehehe! Better planning & calculations next time around.
Measurement : 43" W X 60" L
Made out of 100% American cotton
Price : RM180
Status : SOLD!