Exciting happenings at church

This Sunday was our first time to meet in our new building. This is happening after many years of prayer, dreaming and planning and it is an answer to our prayer. The building is not done but it has plumbing now and the pews were in place and it was warm and worked just fine! Also we had to be out of our old building because it sold. (Which is a very big praise, especially considering the market right now!)
Obviously it is not the building that is the church, it is the people, and the building doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things but we believe that God can use this building as a tool to reach more people for Him. One of the thing that really excites us about the new building is that it is handicap accessible which makes it much easier for our elderly. Also it is bigger with better class areas which allows for more activities. It is also more comfortable for fellowship times which we think is quite important. I am very eager to see how God will use this building for His Kingdom.

Some of the faces on Sunday were Keren and Tomisha.....
...Ed with a communion talk (notice, no carpet on the stage yet.)

and Irindee and Opal.
Since I had flowers coming last week for a wedding anyway I ordered some extras in order to decorate at the church building. It was a lot of fun to make it look very special for the first Sunday there.
On Saturday the old church building had to be cleaned. I went over to help after delivering my wedding flowers but they were done and getting ready to go, so instead I took pictures of my little (? no, younger) siblings doing something that wasn't really approved of for the last time.
Oh the excitement of sliding down the banister! We have no banister at the new church building.
There were some guests at church on Sunday and we plan on really using this opportunity to invite many to join us. I am excited to see what might happen.