I had fun doing some bargian shopping this week (not Friday, I stayed home that day!) and so I thought it would be fun to tell you all about it.

We had been e-mailed a JC Penneys coupon for $10 off of a $25 dollar purchase. I went and found the type of dress slacks Ken likes on sale for $19.99 (normally $60) and then I picked up 3 pairs of dress socks which were on sale for $8.40. My total purchase price after coupon was $18.39. I was pretty happy as Ken's clothes costs can sometimes be a little spendy.

At Walgreens I had fun with some of their sales. I was able to get the first aid kits free with a coupon (that is at normal price too, not a sale), earn .51 cents on each deoderant (after 2 coupons) get the Always for $1 with 2 coupons, Pay $1 per bag of candy with a coupon and rebate, and get the paper towel for $.64 after coupons.

Walmart savings were pretty much curtousy of
Money Saving Mom. Total before coupons was $21.74. Minus $19 worth of coupons for a total of $2.74 plus tax. The checkout guy was impressed which led to a fun conversation - I guess his Mom is very into using coupons as well.
Well I had my fun with deals this month. Next month I am seriously considering trying to buy nothing but Milk and fresh fruits and veggies. I will be sure to report if that works out or not.