I got my 13 yr old God daughters' jacket done

Here it is in pieces before I joined them and before I had to modify the pockets.
Here it is joined and the new pockets added as well as the buttons. I wish they had a purple button but they didn't.
Here is my god daughter with the jacket on. I can't believe I got a smile out of her lol she is the one who is the hardest to get a smile out of no matter what.
Here is the back of the jacket.
And here she is outside with it on which she insisted I take one more picture before I left. I used RH in Burgundy, Pumpkin, Bright Yellow, Hunter Green, Royal Blue, and I think the purple is called Plum. The pockets and trim was also RH in Mexicana. The original pattern I was following was in the Crochet Today! feb/mar '07 issue and the pattern is called 'Zippy Hoodie' only I didn't use the pockets they wanted b/c they would've been too big and I used buttons instead of a zipper. I still have yet to learn how to sew in zippers.

Lucy turned 4 on 4/22!!! don't pay attn. to her crazy hair

Here is my youngest god daughter on her 4th birthday. There she is attacking some of the gifts she got. Her clothes weren't up on the couch. There is my god son in the pic of course.
There is the My Little Pony that was hard to find no matter what I did. I didn't think that pony would be so hard to find lol but when she got it opened this huge smile spread across her face and she said to me, "You got me my pony momma dee, it's just what I wanted" so I know she loved it. Here she is dressed as a Fairy for her bday like she wanted. Last year she was dressed as a Princess for her b-day so this year she saw this outfit in the store and said she wanted to be a Fairy for her b-day so here is my Fairy girl and she is the cutest Fairy lol.
She changed for her cake time b/c she didn't want to ruin her Fairy outfit with cake. This was another outfit I had bought her.
When she took out her candles to lick off the icing she didn't give me one so this is what I did to her for not giving me a candle lol. All in all it was fun I had to wait for her to come home from church but we had a lot of fun yesterday. Now we have to get her pics of her sitting next to the number 4.

Look at our new puppy

This is Chewy and he is 7 weeks old. He is a JRT( Jack Russell Terrier). We got him today from a breeder who works with my mom. When we brought him home we watched him to see what we were going to name him, well he started to chew on everything in his sight so we named him chewy. He is so tiny and cute that I have to hold him and spoil him.

My God daughters' Easter dresses are done

These dresses are called 'Angel Song' and they are from the Crochet Garden site. There are so many beautiful patterns on there it was hard for me to choose what dress pattern to use for their easter dresses. I also had alot of help from a very nice lady her name is Nadine and she is one of the testers for Crochet Garden.
This is a pic of the dresses with the petticoat underneth it. The petticoat is supposed to be longer then the dress but my goddaughters didn't want them that long so they are shorter then the dress.
The dresses turned out big on them Lucy is in the purple and Sierra is in the pink but they both said they like them that way so they can move around more. As you can see my god son whose name is Bernard(Bernie boy for short) wanted in on the pic as well.
Here they are spinning around they loved the way the dresses flared as they spun around. They spun around so much, they were making us dizzy. Once again there's my god son he loves to be in pictures. I used Caron Simply Soft for both dresses and a I hook for the purple dress and a K hook for the pink dress but my stitches were so loose they turned out big on them.