My Little Pony Clothes I made much thanx to Christina

Here is the clothes I made for Lucy. The patterns are from Christina's site. I still have three more pieces to make for her pony. I may buy her more and make them all something.
If you noticed I have two Bratz Babyz dolls they stand about 4.5 inches high. I am trying to find a way to make clothes for them to cover them up b/c the clothes thayhave for them at the stores are kind of expensive so I rather make them instead. If anyone have and ideas let me know.

Matching Ponchos

Here are the ponchos I made for me and my little one to wear for our pics we're taking Here we are in one of the poses in our ponchos.

2 Baby Sets I Made

This one I made for a co-worker whose neice just had a baby girl on the 18th
This one I made for a co-worker whose grandson wife just had a baby girl in Aug. I got the pattern off of Bev's site, they are pretty easy to make once you get into the hang of making them.