Another baby set I made this time with a blanket

Okay I made this one for a coworkers' granddaughter's baby doll. The jacket is from Bev's site, the hat is also from her site the pattern is called, 'Teresa's 10 minute hats' and it takes on ten minutes. The booties are a pattern from a site called, 'Loving Hugs' the blanket is a rectangle granny square and the pattern came from a lady's blog called ErinLindsey's Pile of Yarn Granny Square pattern. Not only does she have the pattern but she also has pics which sometimes I would love to have both a pic and a pattern.
This is just a pic of the blanket I can't remember how long and wide it is but it would've made a nice baby blanket as well.

Two outfits I made to brighten a little girls' xmas

Okay this doll was once Lucys' but when I told her I was looking for a toy for a little girl for xmas, we both went thru her toys and she pulled out this doll and said that the little girl could have it for xmas. So of course I had to make a couple of outfits for it. This outfit I came up with on my own, ya know my own design the booties came from Abigail Goss' site called Crotiques(I think) and they are called 'sockies'. The hat is from Bev's site and the pattern is called 'Teresa's ten minute hat in which it did only take ten minutes to do. Here she is in her outfit and the back is closed in snaps which this was the first time doing snaps for me. It's not so bad doing snaps.
Here is the second outfit I made. The top I redid it with a pattern from a site called 'Angelcrafts' and the pattern is called 'Eyelet Shell Angel Top'. The pants I did myself I just added a big elastic band for the waist. The booties are once again from Abigail Goss's site the pattern is called 'Sockies'. The hat is a pattern from The Crochet Garden and the pattern is called, 'Tiny Blossoms Precious Preemie Hat' and it was very easy. The hat has ties for the child to tie the hat on the baby doll. I also gave the little girl who is 5 some crayons, a coloring book,the two outfits that came with the doll, a blanket for herself, A outfit I bought her from my job, and a nice bag to hold it all in. It was a Mudd bag I had that I used to use as Lucys' diaper bag so of course I kept it in great shape. I should be getting a thank you note from them and Ihope she liked her gifts.

My Little Pony Clothes I made much thanx to Christina

Here is the clothes I made for Lucy. The patterns are from Christina's site. I still have three more pieces to make for her pony. I may buy her more and make them all something.
If you noticed I have two Bratz Babyz dolls they stand about 4.5 inches high. I am trying to find a way to make clothes for them to cover them up b/c the clothes thayhave for them at the stores are kind of expensive so I rather make them instead. If anyone have and ideas let me know.

Matching Ponchos

Here are the ponchos I made for me and my little one to wear for our pics we're taking Here we are in one of the poses in our ponchos.

2 Baby Sets I Made

This one I made for a co-worker whose neice just had a baby girl on the 18th
This one I made for a co-worker whose grandson wife just had a baby girl in Aug. I got the pattern off of Bev's site, they are pretty easy to make once you get into the hang of making them.

Ugh what a tragedy

Well it was for me anywayz. My precious monitor konked out on me today. I only had the computer for two years so there shouldn't have been any reason for it to konk out but it did. I even hooked it up to my mom's computer and it lasted for about twenty minutes and then it just went blank. I had to buy another one for $60 at a computer store and it is bigger, 19" screen and I like it but next time I am getting either a laptop or a flat panel monitor. I don't know if a laptop can hold as much memory as a desktop comp but if it can I am moving to that.

Look at what I made Yay!! And now she has a hat!!!

Here is the first outfit I made for a doll. It's basically all hdc's, and the straps are sc's. The bottom of the top is grannies and the bottom of the pants are two dc's in each stitch. The waist of the pants are dc's and a drawstring to keep them up. I'm now going to make and outfit for a Cabbage Patch doll since I know I can make doll clothes.

and here she is with her hat. I got the pattern from Christina's site the only difference was I didn't put the straps on it.

Gifts given to me by my Elf

These are two Fairies given to me by my Elf on Crochetville and also the postcard too. I love Fairies and I like to get postcards too. One of them, my elf said is a sprite waiting to get her wings so she is sitting there watching lol.

Two new things to add

Here is some yarn I got from my FGM on Crochetville I needed more of the purplie color the other I'm glad to get too. I am making an outfit out of the purple color and will post it as soon as I am done, thanx FGM!Also my good friend is on the road with her husband and she sent me a postcard to let me know she is still thinking about me yay, I love her lots, thanx so much Tina luv ya back.

another square to add to my collection

Here ia another square to add to my collection of squares. It was done by my good friend's son. He made me one before and now here is the second one from him, isn't it nice?

Trying Sushi for the first time

this is me eating the yummy stuff mmm mmm good lol
Here are those yummy rolls, I like how colorful they are don't you? Mines had beef, crab, cucumber, sweet pickles, fried tofu, spinach, the rice, and the seaweed it's wrapped in. It was altogether yummy.

One more square

Here is one more square to add so far to my collection. I got this pattern from Mommachelle's pattern called 'Child's Sweater Jacket' this is the back of the jacket so I just made a square out of it I like the way this turned out.

Some squares I have so far

These two squares were made by a really good friend of mine she is also my swap partner.
This one is called Drop in the Bucket square it was really for me to make and I love the design of it.
This oneis called a Friendship square it wasn't that hard to make either but you can't see the pattern though, oh well I love the color of it though.
This square was made by my good friend and swap partners' son he did awesome if you ask me
This square I did is called a Chain Granny it came off of Dayna's crochet site it was really easy to make and I may go back to her site to make more of her squares. Once I get enough squares I will make an afghan.

Here is an angel for a Friend

Here she is before joining, her wings look like a butterfly to me.
Here she is after joining, she is on top my computer lol. The next one is her close up. This is a Angel I made for a really good friend of mine. She is going to put it in her prayer room once she gets it. Isn't she a cutie pie?

Here are two more things I made from Luv2 Crochet

here is the full skirt halter kind of big but it is size 3/4
the back of the sweater jacket which I meant to put it second
The front of the sweater jacket which I meant to put first one day I'll get it right lol. I put a tie on the front of it I still can't do buttons that well yet lol. I love how both of these projects turned out.

Here is the Summer Brights Halter

Well I meant make the top one the front but oh well it's okay. This what the top looks like on my little one. It's a pattern from Mommochelle's Luv 2 Crochet site but I will be doing more patterns by her.

Lucy in her outfit

okay this is her in the outfit that I made. The only thing I have to do is close it a little more on the sides but other then that it's perfect for her.

Here's the first Out fit made with no pattern

well here is the halter top and skirt I made for my little one. The top I just took a granny triangle and double crocheted and added shells around it and for the skirt I used two granny triangles and joined them and alternated sc's and dc's and then for the last dc at the top I chained I think 250 and weaved that through for a drawstring. I just got to get a pic of Lucy in it now.

After dyeing

This it after dyeing it only the middle yarn dyed I kind of did that on purpose. I love the way it turned out. Now I hope it will go back to the size it was before I dyed it for if it doesn't then Lucy will not be able to fit it. Posted by Picasa

Halter before dyeing

okay here is the summber brights halter I got the pattern from mammachelle. This it before dyeing. Posted by Picasa
I wanted to have this or another pic of a Fairy as my template but I have no idea how to do it. I even read the links ppl gave me and still can't do it. If anyone who reads this know how to help me get this as my background please let me know. Posted by Picasa

Happy Hooker Corset Belts

I made a belt for me and my little one cute huh? I am going to make more of these as well as lengthen it and make us some skirts too. Posted by Picasa

I got this at Value Village

I need to go to second hand shops more often lol. Posted by Picasa